“New York City is being optimised to run like a motherboard… It’s being smoothed out into the performance characteristics of a microchip, and you — all of you — are just loitering; because whatever it is you’re doing in that valuable space couldn’t possibly be as valuable as what a computer can do in that same office space.” — Kevin Slavin
As a visual metaphor for these observations, Behrens deliberately exposes the cracks in Google Earth's 3D rendering technology as he navigates it through several cities with algorithmically determined stock markets. The ominous morphing of streets and buildings into eerie perspective distortions corroborates Slavin's suggestions that the algorithms now running our cities are not concerned with humanity in any form…
Talk commissioned by Microwave Festival 2014 (HK) documenting the research and process behind Algorithmic Architecture.
Music Video for widely acclaimed London band Benin City's single My Love.
The intention was to capture the rose-tinted view one can have of a relationship while its' in its death-throes — when one tries to do everything one can to prevent it from failing when it's already steamrollering towards total collapse...
Video installation for a 21st century re-imagining of Allen Ginsberg's HOWL which played at Camden's Roundhouse in 2014.
Video installation for a 21st century re-imagining of Allen Ginsberg's HOWL which played at Camden's Roundhouse in 2014.